Tatok Djoko Sudiarto; Asriana Issa Sofia (Prodi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta)
Corresponding e-mail: tatok.sudiarto@paramadina.ac.id
In the post-natural disaster period, two important things that must be considered are the impact of the disaster and post-disaster recovery. First, the severity of the impact of the disaster experienced is influenced, among others, by the level of community preparedness and the response system in dealing with disasters. Second, the issue of speed of post-disaster recovery. An approach that is not ‘doing-to’ but rather ‘doing-with’ citizens, with an emphasis on supporting local resilience of the local community. Recognition of elements of the identity of disaster victims, and their use in helping post-disaster recovery, are indicated to be factors of speed and effectiveness.
This research is a comparative study of post-disaster recovery cases that has been quite successful with this localism approach. The cases studied were cases of the Aceh tsunami disaster, the Merapi volcano Yogyakarta, the Palu tsunami with several disaster cases in Japan. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Theories and concepts of human security, identity politics, and local terminology in society are compared to scientific glasses. The results of the study indicate that disaster management policies must be based on the identity of the local community (local value, local wisdom, local terminology). Local identity based policies will result in maximum disaster risk reduction with the assets and internal capital of the people exposed to the disaster.