Tatok Djoko Sudiarto; Asriana Issa Sofia (Prodi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta) Corresponding e-mail: [email protected] Abstract In the post-natural disaster period, two important things that must be considered are the…
Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia
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Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia
Laman Resmi Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia (AIHII)
Tatok Djoko Sudiarto; Asriana Issa Sofia (Prodi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta) Corresponding e-mail: [email protected] Abstract In the post-natural disaster period, two important things that must be considered are the…