The Vulnerability of Muslim States: First Acquaintance

Ali Musa Harahap; Fadhlan Nur Hakiem; Akbar Kurniadi (Department of International Relations, University of Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo)

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This paper argues that vulnerability within the Muslim states is an observable fact that has appeared in variety of contexts, both to describe what are perceived as facts of former colonies and sometimes as position of weakened states. This paper aims to evaluate some of possible situations dominating how the Muslim states’ vulnerability is resistant to progression. The next segment of the paper examines the basis of vulnerability within the Muslim states. The paper also addresses the question of Islamic stand point of view onto phenomena given the influence of globalization, massive use of technology, violence, capitalism, and consumerism in the affairs of Muslim states. Within this context, this paper analyses the causal relationship between the vulnerability of Muslim states and underpinning factors using a qualitative approach. In the end, this paper concludes that the series of issues within the Muslim states added to make it possible to criticize what is adopted now by redefining objectives and its visions.

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