Asep Saepudin; Sri Muryantini; Herra Dwi Maghfiroh (Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta)
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One of the global issues that is the focus of discussion both in discussing international relations theory and in the praxis of international relations is environmental issues. The development of this issue as a result of the birth of the international regime on sustainable development, whose core value contains three main aspects of development, namely economic growth, environmental protection, and protection of humans. One of the pillars in supporting the development of a nation is the industrial sector. This sector when associated with environmental problems becomes one of the sources that contribute to environmental problems. Because of the development of industries that are oriented to environmental protection or in its development known as the green industry. Become a choice for all countries in developing their industrial sector.
This paper describes how the Indonesian government responded in internalizing green industry values in its industrial development as well as various problems and obstacles encountered in applying the meaning and principles of green industry.